Summary of Home Education Provisions
The HoD (Head of Department) refers to the head of the provincial education department in South Africa.
- Registration: Parents choosing home education must apply to the Head of Department (HoD) for the learner's registration. The HoD will approve if:
- It is in the learner's best interests.
- The parent understands and takes responsibility for home education.
- The home education program is suitable for the learner’s age, grade, and ability, and comparable to the national curriculum.
- Parent Obligations: Parents must provide educational resources, monitor progress, and arrange for assessments at the end of each phase up to age 15 or Grade 9. Assessment reports must be submitted to the HoD.
- Application Process: If needed, a consultation may verify application details. Applications are deemed approved if not answered within 60 days.
- Continued Home Education: Parents must notify the HoD at the end of each educational phase (Grades R-9). For education beyond age 15 or Grade 9, no further registration is required.
- Reintegration and Compliance: Learners may rejoin public or independent schools for Grades 10-12. Parents must comply with National Senior Certificate regulations if the learner intends to take the examination.
- Cancellation and Appeals: The HoD can cancel registration if home education no longer serves the learner's best interests but must provide written reasons and allow for parental appeal. Appeals are decided by the Member of the Executive Council within 30 days.
- Regulations: The Minister may establish regulations regarding the registration and administration of home education.