24 Jobs Available
Tutor Jobs - Nick Coordinator
More jobs available on our Facebook Group here. Posted June 1, 2017.
Nick is tutor coordinator for the following jobs 074 198 2139 (Whatsapp or sms if you don't have whatsapp)
Urgent jobs - to start ASAP
Job B766a Science - Grade 11 Chemistry- V & A Waterfront. To start today anytime from 3:15. 2 hour session payment for session is R300.
Job A089 Second year Biochem - Tutor needed in Rondebosch (UCT or Kenilworth. MCB2021F is the the course.
Job A600c Science grade 12- Electrostaticsc, electricity and electromagnetism (Oranjezicht)
Job B766b English - Grade 11- V & A Waterfront